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OctaneRender 2022.1正式版将取消詠久许可和旧的订阅层

Otoy发布了蕞新版本的GPU生产渲染器octaneRender 2022.1 ,添加了新的光子追踪内核和基于 Autodesk 标准曲面规范的新分层超级材质。该版本与公司新推出的软件Studio+ 订阅同时推出,取代了詠久许可和 Otoy 的旧订阅计划。新的光子跟踪内核、标准表面材质和标准体积介质OctaneRender 2022.1 中的主要变化包括一个新的光子跟踪内核,Otoy 将其描述为使渲染焦散比以前的实现“快大约 1000 倍”。此更新还添加了基于Autodesk 标准曲面规范的分层标准曲面材质。使用新的 ubermaterial 进行着色应该确保 OctaneRender 和支持该规范的其他渲染器(如Arnold )的输出之间具有更大的视觉奇偶性。其他主要功能包括用于云等体积效果的新标准体积介质。它为习惯Arnold标准体积的任何人“提供了一个熟悉的界面” ,并提供比现有 OctaneRender 体积介质更精细的控制,包括对大多数输入使用纹理贴图的选项。WCBC4D模型
OctaneRender的程序几何系统 Vectron 在现有的 Subtract 和 Union 运算符之上新增了五个用于组合体积的布尔运算符。WCBC4D模型
更多程序纹理和 Vectron 运算符WCBC4D模型
还有 16 种新的程序纹理,而 OctaneRender 的程序几何系统 Vectron 获得了七个新的 3D 基元和五个新的运算符,包括 Clip、Intersect 和 Offset。WCBC4D模型
稳定版中的其他更改包括新的 Cryptomatte 遮罩输出 AOV,用于根据Cryptomatte渲染 AOV 中的遮罩 ID 选择创建遮罩。WCBC4D模型
Brigade 和多重渲染现在将在单独的版本中发布WCBC4D模型
但是,几个主要的计划功能尚未进入稳定版本,包括 Brigade 内核,这是期待已久的 Otoy 实时路径跟踪渲染引擎的集成。WCBC4D模型
它原定在弟—个候选版本中发布,但在上个月发布OctaneRender 2022.1 RC1时,Otoy 宣布它现在“作为计划在未来几周内发布的特别测试版本的一部分”。WCBC4D模型
计划用于 Octane 2022 发布周期的其他功能——包括蕞初为 OctaneRender 2021 宣布的新多渲染系统——也已被推迟到 OctaneRender 2023。WCBC4D模型
OctaneRender 2022.1 适用于 Windows、Linux 和 macOS。Windows 和 Linux 版本与 64 位 Windows 7+ 和 Linux 兼容,并且需要支持 CUDA 10 的 Nvidia GPU。WCBC4D模型
Metal-native macOS 版本,以前称为Octane X,在配备 AMD GPU 的 Mac 上兼容 macOS 10.15.6 至 macOS 12,在配备 Apple M1/M2 GPU 的 Mac 上兼容 macOS 13+。WCBC4D模型
该软件现在仅供出租,通过 Otoy 的Studio+ 订阅,每月收费 23.95 欧元,其中包括用于 21 个 DCC 应用程序的集成插件,以及一系列第三方软件。WCBC4D模型
Otoy 还提供免费的 OctaneRender 和 Octane X 的“Prime”版本,它们仅限于在单个 GPU 上进行渲染,并且附带一组较小的 DCC 集成插件。WCBC4D模型
OctaneRender® 2022.1 [current 2022.1] (updated 11/28)WCBC4D模型
This is the first stable release of version 2022.1. We are also happy to announce a new, unified subscription tier being turned on today for all Octane Studio/Enterprise users: Studio+. It has all Octane features included, and comes with unlimited network rendering (10 nodes- previously a RNDR+ feature) with no GPU limits and offline rendering support for annual subs - priced at 19.99/month starting in January (15.99/month with today's Black Friday offer). Enterprise and Enterprise+ subscribers will also receive ongoing Render credits on top of their regular Studio+ licenses starting mid next year.WCBC4D模型
updated 2022/11/28: updated the Linux Studio+ link, fixed a missing library.WCBC4D模型
What's new in Octane 2022.1WCBC4D模型
The main new features of 2022.1 are:WCBC4D模型
The Photon tracing kernel which provides fast rendering of caustics.WCBC4D模型
The Standard surface material and Standard volume medium, which provide in-core compatibility with Arnold standard surface and standard volume.WCBC4D模型
Speed and interactivity improvements.WCBC4D模型
A whole suit of new textures and Vectron operators and primitives.WCBC4D模型
A new Cryptomatte mask output AOV.WCBC4D模型
Many, many small improvements across the board.WCBC4D模型
Photon tracingWCBC4D模型
This kernel allows rendering of caustics that were not possible to render before or would have taken a very long time. It combines path tracing, which traces paths through the scene starting in the camera, with photon mapping, which traces light/photons through the scene starting at the light sources.WCBC4D模型
Below are a few scenes showing the effectiveness of the photon tracing kernel in various situations:WCBC4D模型
Photon Tracer Demo ORBXWCBC4D模型
Swimming pool example scene ORBXWCBC4D模型
Shot glass example scene ORBXWCBC4D模型
Prism example scene ORBXWCBC4D模型
Applying photon mapping to all surfaces would be too inefficient which is why you have to enable the option "Allow caustics" in those materials that should "cast" caustics, which usually makes sense for highly reflective or transmissive materials that have a low roughness. The option is available in the Glossy, Metallic, Specular, Standard and Universal materials.WCBC4D模型
In the photon tracing kernel you will find beside the usual path tracing options a group of photon related settings:WCBC4D模型
The "Photon gathering radius" should be adjusted so you can see the photons as blobs a few pixels across in the first samples (later samples use a smaller radius).WCBC4D模型
If caustics resolve faster than the rest of the illumination you can decrease the "Photon count multiplier". If caustics don’t resolve fast enough, you can increase the multiplier or decrease the "Photon gather samples" input. Decreasing the "Photon count multiplier" also decreases GPU memory usage.WCBC4D模型
Please note, that if you enable "Fake shadows" in specular materials, caustics will be disabled.WCBC4D模型
Beaker and flask example scene ORBXWCBC4D模型
Wine glasses example scene ORBXWCBC4D模型
Standard surface materialWCBC4D模型
For Octane 2022.1, we have implemented a new Standard Surface Material node according to the Autodesk Standard Surface specification. Much like Octane’s Universal Material, the Standard Surface material is an uber surface shader with multiple layers of BSDF(s). The main difference between the two is the Layered mixture model specified by the Autodesk Standard Surface specification, where the layers of BSDF(s) are arranged differently to the Universal Material. For more details, please refer to standard surface specification. Due to different implementations of individual material layer closures, the Standard Surface material node in Octane can render slightly different to that in Arnold, but the behavior of inputs are matched as closely as possible.WCBC4D模型
Below you will find the full list of settings. WCBC4D模型
Changes in the material layersWCBC4D模型
In addition to the Layered mixture model, we have updated the implementation of individual layers to support the Standard Surface specification:WCBC4D模型
Oren Nayar BRDFWCBC4D模型
Textured anisotropyWCBC4D模型
Specular boundary SSS layerWCBC4D模型
Diffuse boundary SSS layerWCBC4D模型
Reparameterization of material inputsWCBC4D模型
Oren Nayar diffuse BRDF: We have implemented a new diffuse BRDF as suggested by the Standard Surface specification for the base diffuse layer, which allows for varying diffuse roughness like the default Octane diffuse model, see below image for the effect of changing roughness to the Oren Nayar diffuse model.WCBC4D模型
Textured anisotropy for specular and coating layer: The anisotropic reflection channel can now be textured, allowing you to specify the spatially varying anisotropy in either tangent/bi-tangent direction in texture space, while the rotation still remains, allowing you to rotate the anisotropic reflection simultaneously.WCBC4D模型
Reparameterization of dispersion Abbe, thin film thickness, and subsurface scattering layer: Several parameters are now re-scaled to fit the Standard surface specification. Dispersion is now specified using the dispersion Abbe number and is unbounded, while thin film thickness is now in nanometers. Subsurface scattering is also defined as separate layers as in standard surface, with the transmission layer allowing you to specify medium absorption and scattering behavior for the material with specular fresnel boundaries. On the other hand, the subsurface layer allows you to specify medium absorption and scattering behavior for the material with a diffuse boundary. WCBC4D模型
Below are some examples of the simplified approach rendering with a single subsurface scattering layer using a single colored texture:WCBC4D模型
Standard volumeWCBC4D模型
The Standard Volume medium offers a familiar interface to anyone used to the Arnold renderer. Most of its inputs accept textures, providing even more fine grained control over the volume rendering process than with the existing Volume medium. It also supports specifying the density channel separately from the scatter color channel and transparency channel.WCBC4D模型
Color channelsWCBC4D模型
Standard Volume mediums support color or other float3 data in all channels except the temperature channel. The grids can be loaded as required and then assigned, by name, to the channel inputs on the medium node. The VDB grid mappings in the import settings are ignored for Standard Volume mediums.WCBC4D模型
The scatter color can be used to adjust the color of the volume under illumination. A scatter color channel can be specified as an additional multiplier to the scatter color.WCBC4D模型
Source: The VDB used in this scene is licensed under the CC BY-SA 3.0 by Disney Enterprises, Inc.WCBC4D模型
The transparent weight of the Standard Volume medium provides additional control over the color of objects seen through the volume as demonstrated in the following image. It also supports a channel input for fine grained control over the transparent color.WCBC4D模型
Standard Volume implements three emission modes: black body, density and channel. An emission channel can be specified to further modulate the emission or it can be used to directly drive the emission via the "channel" emission mode.WCBC4D模型
The "Temperature" group of the Standard Volume medium node provides an option to automatically scale the values in the temperature channel so that the maximum value in the channel is mapped to the black body temperature specified on the node. This makes it much easier to get reasonable results that can be further fine tuned with the other inputs, without having to manually adjust the emission scale in the import settings to a different value for each VDB.WCBC4D模型
Mesh volume nodeWCBC4D模型
Meshes can now be loaded as a volume. After loading the OBJ file, they get converted into a volume grid that can be rendered like any other volume:WCBC4D模型
You can choose how fine the voxel grid should be in the import settings:WCBC4D模型
Texture improvementsWCBC4D模型
New texturesWCBC4D模型
We added those procedural textures as built-in texture nodes...:WCBC4D模型
Circle spiralWCBC4D模型
Fan spiralWCBC4D模型
FBM flow noiseWCBC4D模型
FBM noiseWCBC4D模型
Matrix effectWCBC4D模型
Pixel flowWCBC4D模型
Rain bumpWCBC4D模型
Rot fractalWCBC4D模型
Snow effectWCBC4D模型
Star fieldWCBC4D模型
Volume cloudWCBC4D模型
Wave patternWCBC4D模型
...more modes to the already existing procedural effects texture...:WCBC4D模型
Blaschke productWCBC4D模型
Candle flameWCBC4D模型
Fire emitterWCBC4D模型
Fractal 1 + 3WCBC4D模型
Noise smoke flowWCBC4D模型
Sun surfaceWCBC4D模型
Paint colors 2WCBC4D模型
... 4 new field texture nodes, which are gradients with special options...:WCBC4D模型
Angular field, similar to the angular gradient but has additional options to map the angle to the gradient valueWCBC4D模型
Planar field, similar to the linear gradient but with a finite mappingWCBC4D模型
Shape field, maps the distance from a Vectron/SDFWCBC4D模型
Spherical field, which maps the distance of the origin in UVW space to a (clamped) gradient valueWCBC4D模型
Below is an example scene that shows the 4 field textures in combination with a 4-color gradient map:WCBC4D模型
... 2 more textures for using geometry properties...:WCBC4D模型
Instance highlight, to highlight all instances with a specific user instance IDWCBC4D模型
Object layer color, to fetch the color of the corresponding object layerWCBC4D模型
... and 4 additional operator textures:WCBC4D模型
Color key, which allows you to create a mask from an input texture by picking a key color. The mask can then be used for example in the compositing texture.WCBC4D模型
Color space conversion, which converts between RGB and other 3-channel color spaces like HSV or xyYWCBC4D模型
Image adjustment, which allows you to apply a large range of adjustments in one nodeWCBC4D模型
Jittered color correction, which applies the same changes to an input texture like the color correction texture, but uses random values for every option, which depend on the instance ID - in a similar fashion like the instance color textureWCBC4D模型
Other texture changesWCBC4D模型
Added color space conversion inputs to the Channel picker and Channel merger texture nodesWCBC4D模型
Added interpolation type Posterize to the Range textureWCBC4D模型
Added additional Length and Normalize vector operators to the Unary math operation[i] texture nodeWCBC4D模型
Added [i]Instance position projection node.WCBC4D模型
Image texture nodes now have a Border mode for U and V separately.WCBC4D模型
Alpha image textures now default to linear sRGB, not sRGB when loaded.WCBC4D模型
Added new blend mode Ratio to the Composite textureWCBC4D模型
Volume to texture node can now read 3-channel VDB grids.WCBC4D模型
Prevent the power input of a texture (when it is used as a normal map) being evaluated as a normal.WCBC4D模型
Cinema4D noises are now available in all plugins.WCBC4D模型
Make color correction clamp negative values when gamma is 1 on Mac, to align with CUDAWCBC4D模型
Changed the default value for contrast to 0 in color correction texture, and noise texture.WCBC4D模型
OSL: Creating an OSL texture or OSL projection node is now allowed via drag and drop of an .osl file.WCBC4D模型
OSL: Implemented OSL transformu() function for units of length.WCBC4D模型
OSL: Octane reads string label = "Shader name" metadata on OSL shaders if present to use as a default node name.WCBC4D模型
OSL: You can control whether a color input on a shader is evaluated as a normal map, or as a color input by adding string variant = "normalMap" to the metadata.WCBC4D模型
OSL: Updated supported keywords for syntax highlighting in the OSL editor.WCBC4D模型
New Vectron nodesWCBC4D模型
We have added a range of new Vectron primitives:WCBC4D模型
In addition to that and to the already existing Vectron operators Subtract and Union now we also support the following:WCBC4D模型
Clip: slices the geometry keeping just what lies on one of the sides of a clipping plane.WCBC4D模型
Ink: takes two inputs and transfers the material from one of them to another.WCBC4D模型
Inset: Takes two input geometries and carves one into another.WCBC4D模型
Intersect: Takes two input geometries and produces the joint volume.WCBC4D模型
Offset: Applies a buffer along the geometry’s surface either shrinking or expanding it.WCBC4D模型
New Cryptomatte mask output AOVWCBC4D模型
We added a new Cryptomatte mask output AOV, which can be used to create masks based on a selection in a Cryptomatte render AOV. Below is an example where we render a Cryptomatte AOV based on the material pin names and then used Cryptomatte mask output AOV to pick a material pin, tint it and then compose it on top of the main AOV:WCBC4D模型
The compressed scene package box-cryptomatte.zipWCBC4D模型
Instead of using the picking tool, you also can directly enter the names and use wildcards and exclusions from wildcard matches.WCBC4D模型
Better sampling for DOF, motion blur and initial samplesWCBC4D模型
Some work went into the general sampling code that is used by all render kernels except PMC. The first change is that we modified the way how sample values are assigned to pixels to make the produced noise more even, or in technical terms, the error in the image has a blue noise distribution. This helps with the initial 1-4 samples/pixel. After that, the error distribution becomes white noise again. We think this can be improved further in the future, but even in the current state it's already helpful when you work on your scene and individual frames only get rendered with 1 or only a very few samples/pixel. Below you can see see the difference in the Japanese Garden scene:WCBC4D模型
The second change was the introduction of low discrepancy sampling for depth of field and motion blur. This only helps in certain circumstances, i.e. when the part of the scene that is blurred is relatively smooth. If the blurred part itself is highly detailed or even noisy, then the modified sampling will not help much. Below you can see the difference in depth-of-field sampling of the Japanese Garden at 2000 samples/pixel - not a massive difference but noticable in some areas:WCBC4D模型
Other improvementsWCBC4D模型
Compatibility modesWCBC4D模型
We introduced the concept of compatibility modes. They will be provided in some cases, where the version conversion during loading of older scene files is not able to keep the "look" of an older scene and needs rendering to behave differently. One infamous example is volume rendering which changed multiple times, when we tried to improve rendering of overlapping volumes or transparent surfaces inside volumes.WCBC4D模型
Since compatibility modes usually mean additional render code to reproduce the old (potentially broken) behaviour, we try to keep them at a minimum. For the same reason we also can't guarantee that we won't have to remove some old compatibility modes in the future. Because of that they should also not be used in new scenes.WCBC4D模型
If an older scene is loaded with a compatiblity mode that is not the current version, you will see an icon in the node inspector where you can choose a different compatibility mode:WCBC4D模型
We are hiding the compatibility mode icon if the currently selected mode is the current version, but you can still select it via the context menu in the node inspector.WCBC4D模型
You can see in the change lists below, that we have started using compatibility modes for various nodes.WCBC4D模型
Added a Unit volume geometry node.WCBC4D模型
Improved geometric primitive normals by not welding them and keeping the geometric normals for each poly.WCBC4D模型
Updated the volume import preferences to support loading of grids that are not assigned to a specific use case (like scatter, absorption, etc.) yet. Standard volume mediums can select these grids by name on a per-medium-instance basis.WCBC4D模型
Bounds input of the Vectron node no longer allows negative values.WCBC4D模型
We no longer create Vectron/SDF nodes by default in Vectron operators.WCBC4D模型
World space coordinates work more consistently on texture inputs on Vectron/SDF shaders.WCBC4D模型
Material systemWCBC4D模型
Added a "no shading" option to clipping material.WCBC4D模型
Clamp dispersion Abbe number between [2 .. 100].WCBC4D模型
Implemented single scatter events in volumes, and make controlling it easier with an explicit single scatter ratio input in the scatter medium nodes.WCBC4D模型
Improve the handling of surfaces with multiple materials and nested dielectrics enabled.WCBC4D模型
Modified the Standard surface SSS implementation to avoid the confusion in forward anisotropy changing the observed albedo.WCBC4D模型
Remove incorrect double application of randomness for pheo/melanin hair.WCBC4D模型
Standard volume medium channels support color data (except for the temperature channel).WCBC4D模型
Use soft borders for Standard volume mediums.WCBC4D模型
Various improvements to nested dielectrics: transitions between dielectrics with different IOR, and entering and exiting participating media inside dielectrics are tracked more reliably.WCBC4D模型
Added light linking to toon shading for toon lights.WCBC4D模型
Change the default daylight environment ground color from blue to black.WCBC4D模型
Change the description of normalize on blackbody emission node to clarify that it normalizes luminous power, not radiant power.WCBC4D模型
Corrected descriptions of power and surface brightness pins on emission nodes.WCBC4D模型
Removed "legacy volume" option in kernels and replaced this with a compatibility mode option on kernel nodes. Older scenes will still render the same.WCBC4D模型
Removed "use old color pipeline" option in kernels, and replaced this with a compatibility mode option on kernel nodes. Older scenes will still render the same.WCBC4D模型
Made coherent ratio option in the kernel nodes less aggressive.WCBC4D模型
Static noise is now applied to an interactive render region if it's enabled in the kernel and the region has been wiped due to a scene change.WCBC4D模型
Viewport, tone-mapping and AOVsWCBC4D模型
Added real-time mode (lightning bolt button on render viewport). In this mode, if possible, the film buffer is never moved between the host and the device. This means that compositing has to be done on the GPU, and it also enables a "real-time" display, which will display rendered images faster. These features require more VRAM to be available. It does not have a large effect on MacOS because Apple GPUs have Unified Memory.WCBC4D模型
Compositing for output AOVs will now happen on the GPU - this is much faster but uses more GPU memory and can be turned off in device preferences.WCBC4D模型
Added an option to toggle bump/normal mapping for the ambient occlusion AOV.WCBC4D模型
Added option to the volume Z depth AOVs that allows you define which depth is considered white/1.WCBC4D模型
Added render AOV collections to the Standalone GUI.WCBC4D模型
Tangent normal AOV now always shows the shading normal with bump/normal mapping applied.WCBC4D模型
Improved spacing of tonemap intervals near start of rendering.WCBC4D模型
Improved user experience when there are OCIO errors.WCBC4D模型
Added native ACES tone mapping without the need for OCIO.WCBC4D模型
Creating an image output AOV is now allowed via drag and drop.WCBC4D模型
Added a Legacy blend mode alpha operation and a force pre-multiply opacity pin to the composite AOV layer node.WCBC4D模型
Added blend color space to composite AOV layer node.WCBC4D模型
Change the default value for contrast to zero in color correction output AOVs.WCBC4D模型
Make blending composite output AOV layers in perceptual space match Photoshop when the layers aren't fully opaque.WCBC4D模型
Make the color burn and color dodge compositor blend modes match Photoshop in the last remaining special case.WCBC4D模型
Reduced artifacts with saturated highlights if using both highlight compression and saturate to white.WCBC4D模型
Removed force premultiply alpha pin and blend mode legacy alpha operation and replaced them with compatibility modes.WCBC4D模型
Added compatibility mode system to Lua APIWCBC4D模型
Added two functions that were missing in the Lua nodegraph module (octane.nodegraph.collapse() and octane.nodegraph.copyAttributeFromIx())WCBC4D模型
Correctly account for the content component border in LUA windows paused or finishedWCBC4D模型
Added utility nodes for float, int and bool primitive values in the Values category: Float to int, Int to float, Look-at transform, Boolean logic operator, Float relational operator, Int relational operator, Binary math operation, Unary math operation, Range, Rotate, Float merger, Float component picker, Float if, Int merger, Int component picker, Int ifWCBC4D模型
Added integration with RNDR cloud rendering service.WCBC4D模型
Increased the maximum framerate of various animation scripts to 1000 fps.WCBC4D模型
Prevent incorrect value of free device memory being shown in the UI sometimes when enabling/disabling denoiser.WCBC4D模型
Removed redundant max upsampling interval setting.WCBC4D模型
Standalone: Added a compression rate setting to the batch render job.WCBC4D模型
Standalone: Added ability to choose premultiplied alpha for EXR files saved by batch rendering script or batch render job.WCBC4D模型
Standalone: Ensure thumbnails in the LiveDB component are downloaded after scrolling around a lot.WCBC4D模型
Standalone: The native Linux title bar should now be displayed correctly and the application window should no longer cover the system taskbar and launcher upon appliation start, which were problems encountered on some Linux systems (especially using Gnome)WCBC4D模型
OctaneRender Studio+ Standalone for Windows (installer)WCBC4D模型
OctaneRender Studio+ Standalone for Windows (ZIP archive)WCBC4D模型
OctaneRender Studio+ Standalone for LinuxWCBC4D模型
OctaneRender Studio+ Node for Windows (installer)WCBC4D模型
OctaneRender Studio+ Node for Windows (ZIP archive)WCBC4D模型
OctaneRender Studio+ Node for LinuxWCBC4D模型
Octane X Prime for macOSWCBC4D模型
OctaneRender Demo Standalone for Windows (installer)WCBC4D模型
OctaneRender Demo Standalone for Windows (ZIP archive)WCBC4D模型
OctaneRender Demo Standalone for LinuxWCBC4D模型
在 Otoy 的论坛帖子中阅读 OctaneRender 2022.1 的完整功能列表:https://render.otoy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=80814
